The Breast Oncology Program offered by Rebecca’s follows The American Cancer Society’s recommendation for rehabilitation intervention of the Prospective Surveillance Model of Health Care. This model is designed to detect and prevent potential side effects of breast cancer early in the patient’s episode of care. Negative side effects of chemotherapy agents, radiation, and surgery are routinely assessed and intervention is implemented as indicated before the patient develops a dysfunction. Our goal is to join the patient and healthcare team to maximize function, minimize negative side effects, preserve quality of life, and increase survival rates.
Potential Side Effects to be Monitored and Treated:
- Restricted upper extremity range of motion
- Lymphedema Care (Stage 1 and below)
- Lymphatic Cording and Axilla Neuropathy
- Effects of Cardiotoxic Drugs
- Osteoporosis
- Weight Gain
- Joint Pain and Arthralgias
- Fatigue
Post-Mastectomy Pain Syndrome
Treatments Provided:
- Exercise Instruction
- Shoulder Dysfunction
- Pre/Post Surgical Reconstruction
- Post Mastectomy Pain Syndrome
- Painful Intercourse
- Stress Management and General Nutrition. To find out more about this program and to schedule a consultation please call us at 843-416-8718.